Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sea Anchor

I got together with a very good friend of mine today at Dunkin Donuts to talk. I've been feeling overwhelmed and stressed lately, and I needed a person to talk to. This particular friend of mine is a guidance counselor at a school nearby, and is the one that truly inspired my interest in counseling psychology. After talking things out with him for a while, we got around to what was really on my mind. A certain ex of mine, or rather the memory of him, has been recently in control of decisions I'm making regarding my love life. It was bugging me and I couldn't figure out why, so when the topic came up, I was grateful that someone was going to listen and actually help me. He suggested that my ex boyfriend was like a sea anchor, preventing me from reaching my destination as quickly as I'd like. The destination being my new relationship, with a super amazing guy. He told me I needed to sever the ties holding the sea anchor to my sailboat, because pulling the anchor in would take a whole lot of strength. So this is me, severing my sea anchor ties and moving on, swiftly, towards the harbor. Thank you M.

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