Friday, October 21, 2011

No Coupons

Here, I enclose two conversations my mom and I had on the phone today.

Hi mom
Hi, where are you?
I'm out with a friend. She says hi.
Tell her hi for me!
Are you coming home for dinner?
Yep, when is it?
Cool! See you then?
Okay sounds good!

Followed by:

Hey mom, I just got asked to go shopping. Can I go?
Sure, what time, can we eat earlier?
Like, 5. Just eat without me.
What will you eat?
We're at Chipotle.
What did you have for lunch?
Yeah, I think I've eaten enough for the rest of the day, maybe the rest of my life.
So are you going to the mall?
That's the plan.
Can you two take one car?
We were going to...
Good. Do you have any coupons to shop with?
(I burst out laughing) No, mom!
Wait, are you laughing at me? Why don't you have coupons?
(I'm crying from laughter at this point) Okay mom, bye!

Oh goodness, I love my mom. Cheers from Friday!
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