Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Letting Go, and a Synopsis of My Day

I had the excellent task of cleaning out my closet today. I never was good at cleaning anything, because I hate getting rid of things. I always feel that the sentimental value of any item outweighs the fact that it its a) years old and b) simply taking up space in my life/room/area. One of the only illogical things about me. Anyways, I was pulling out things from my closet that I wore in my seventh grade yearbook picture. It's been awhile since that's happened.... Overall, I think I was able to eliminate about half of the articles of clothing that were in my closet. At one point, I pulled out a dress that one of my friends, D, wore to the premiere of The Lion King in 3D with thigh-high leopard-print boots. The dress was, again, something that I wore in seventh grade. It's brown with a leopard print ruffle skirt and a leopard print halter tie. She looked, honestly, like an absolute slut in it. She totally knew it too! Anyways, when I went to put it into the pile to donate, my mom looked at me and said "Hey, why don't you give that to D? Didn't she wear it recently?" My response? "Mom, she looked like a prostitute. No way." That was the end of the conversation regarding that dress...

Anywho, my day today was spent cleaning, watching TLC, and watching the Little Rascals for the first time. I can't believe that I've gone through so many years of my life without seeing it! "Darla, I hate your stinkin' guts." My life is complete now, I can die happy.

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