Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Method Acting

Two disclaimers before I begin this post:
1. I don't have ANYTHING against autistic people. I merely use it as a descriptor.
2. I'm pretty attractive, generally speaking.

Okay. So I'm in a musical production right now, and my friend K and I are suspected of being a couple. We absolutely are not. However, if anyone asks, we always tell them we are. It's fun to mess with people, and O is the most gullible. He's bought the deal, hook line and sinker.

Now, this show is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I play Potipher's wife, which is a sexed-up role that involves seducing the main character, cheating on my husband, etc. Basically, I'm the hot slut of the cast, on stage. In this show is also several males, most distinctly the 11 brothers (the actor playing Potipher and I had a thing four years ago that no one discusses).  These brothers are as follows: J, H, K, Y, D, O, T, E, C, M, and B.

B has a girlfriend.
H is gay.
E and J are currently crushing on me.
T crushed on me a little bit ago, and then ended up dating the girl I consider my sister.
K is the one pretending to be my boyfriend.
Y wants to make out with me, real bad.
D is probably asexual. Kidding. But not really...
M is too young for me, but he's a cutie.
C is way too young for me, and not a cutie.
O is super awkward, and also young. But not a cutie either. And doesn't think of girls in a degrading way. Or so I thought.
The romantic ties with me to these boys are a bit insane.

Now, out of these 11, seven know me well enough to joke about me being a whore, dating K, flirting with everyone, etc. Those seven know me well enough to make sexual jokes at my expense and have me not mind. Three are either disinterested in me, or too young to joke about me in that capacity. I thought the remaining one, O, was in that boat. I was wrong.

Today, backstage, we were preparing for a scene in which we had to look like prisoners- downtrodden and decrepit and such. This involves huddling under blankets together, and things of the like. I share a blanket, coincidentally, with K. K was in the dressing room, flaunting this fact to Y (the two share a friendly rivalry over me- it proves for interesting discussion and such). K mentioned a comment such as "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna go have sex backstage with A under this blanket."

O, who is fifteen years old, says "Lucky! I'm so jealous." K's reply? "Having sex with A?" "Yeah, K. It's every man's dream, and you're actually living it."


It is an incredibly uncomfortable moment when you realize that fifteen-year-olds want to sleep with you. That they categorize sleeping with you as "every man's dream."

I knew that the guys enjoyed the aesthetics of my seduction scene, many of them have told me before. They're on stage, being guards during this scene, and have been reprimanded for not looking at the audience (as they should be) because they're too busy watching me slink around the stage. But I didn't know that some of them took it a bit too seriously.

Who am I kidding? It's a compliment.

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