Monday, December 19, 2011

This Week = WTF

I literally cannot comprehend the amount of things going on in my head right now. Coming from someone who constantly has approximately seventy six things going through her head at any given moment, that's saying something.

I can't even start at a coherent point in my day, that's how disoriented I am. First off, my sister is on crutches for the next four weeks or so because she tore her MCL a little and has a contusion on her bone or something. I don't know, but she's out for a while. Which is awesome for her, and it makes me sad. She's flying with crutches to North Carolina I suppose. Why is she always injured when we take planes places?

Then, there's the fact that it's finals week. I hate finals. They stress me out, even though I don't care about them. I'll be fine. Completely. But stress is running high and so everyone is tweaking out, which is fantastic, and making me tweak as well.

This weekend, at a study party, one of my friends got another one of my friends absolutely drunk and then invited more people over, who promptly took her to the basement and tried to coax her deepest, darkest secrets out of her. And then tried to keep it from me. Real fucking mature. First of all, like I care, second of all, like I'd tell anyone or report her, third of all, suggesting she drink to cope with her stress was just a bad game plan from the get-go. Newsflash, girl who told her to drink an entire glass of tequila when she didn't have any weed to smoke to "calm her down", you have a problem. Good luck in life, dumbass.

But that's not the only thing. We're literally living in the tornado of a soap-opera, a.k.a. one of our friends lives, and she's literally being so dramatic over everything that she's getting on everyone's nerves. Not like she doesn't normally, but more so than usual. Have I mentioned that nobody really likes her? So that's awesome. But apparently her and her ex-boyfriend, who's life she ruined, are now on good terms again. Even though he still loves her and she wants nothing to do with him romantically. Good terms? I don't think so.

And it gets better. One of my other friends decided it would be a fantastic idea to plan on bringing a flask to New Years. Seriously? Stay home. If you want to get drunk, don't do it around us. We not only don't want to be around that for the time that we spend together, but you're also the most annoying drunk on the planet. You throw up everywhere. I'm not taking care of that, or of you, on New Years. Find some other friends to hang out with.

Also, I'm so over this natural hibernation thing. Apparently nobody informed my body that a. I wasn't starving to death and that b. I wasn't a bear, so it seems to require more food. So I gain weight. But part of that is simply due to stress, I think. Oh well, fuck that. I still have a few months until swimsuit season.

My family de-stresses me, that I'll admit, but we rarely have time to spend together since we're constantly running around doing a million things. Especially preparing for Christmas. Did anyone mention that it was in six days? I will say that my friends are great for venting, though.

The only person that, no matter what, takes the time to listen to my stressors and calms me down is someone that I don't particularly want to burden with my stressors. Oh, and he's 213 miles away.

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