Monday, November 21, 2011

If I Was Married To Technology...

We'd be getting a divorce. For the past twenty four hours, I've been fighting with the interweb and my computer.

My original goal:  to record and post videos of myself and two other dance captains from my show choir dancing, so the rest of the choir could practice along.

What it turned into:

Sunday afternoon:

4:30-we all get there and figure a way to prop my computer up so that the webcam can record videos.

4:50- we come to the realization that playing the music off the computer leads to horrible feedback and such. We search for a way to plug the computer into the tv.

5:10- after figuring out that it wasn't possible, we begin a search for a blank CD to burn the song onto, to play out of the tv.

5:15- CD burned, we start going over the dance.

5:30- we begin recording videos.

5:40- we discover that all the videos recorded so far cannot be audible since the surround sound on the tv was turned up so high.

5:45- we restart recording videos.

6:30- we finish recording videos. Net footage time? 13:50.

6:50- after dinner, they leave.

Later that night:

9:30- I begin uploading the videos to the facebook group I created earlier that day. Due to copyright infringement issues, we have to jump through all sorts of hoops to make these videos private.

9:50- I finish the upload.

9:52- I discover that, for some godforsaken reason, none of the videos play.

10:00- after rebooting several times, I wage WWIII on my computer

10:30- I call a ceasefire and work on a paper I have due the next day.

10:45- my internet goes out because my mom's on the home phone too close to the router.

10:50- restart the router and my computer, I'm good to go.

11:30- I finish my paper and hit print, to pick it up in the morning.

Monday morning:

6:45- I go downstairs to discover my paper has not printed.

6:55- after attempting to print three times, I e-mail the paper to myself and print it downstairs, after shutting down my computer.

Monday afternoon:

5:45- I get home from school and turn on my laptop.

5:55- I finish YouTube registration and the like.

6:10- I finish uploading the videos to YouTube as unlisted videos, and make a playlist of them.

6:15- I finish making the videos all safe and stuff.

6:18- going downstairs in pursuit of a piece of cheesecake, I find three copies of the paper I tried to print that morning strewn on the floor in front of the printer.

6:30- I try to upload an audio file for the dance to YouTube, only to be told I need Windows Movie Maker to convert the file.

Later that evening:

11:00- I decide to get Movie Maker and attempt this thing.

11:15- it stops downloading.

11:25- I figure out how to get a slideshow, set the music to a picture, and save it.

11:26- I'm informed by YouTube that instead of a .wlpb or something, it needs to be a .wmv or something.

11:33- I follow instructions, only to be told it'll take half an hour to save in the new format.

11:34- I shut down my computer for the evening.

I hate technology, and it hates me back. Clearly.

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