Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm So Blessed...

I just got back from an eye-opening weekend, to say the least. It was great to reconnect with my church family and get closer to God. But one of the major realizations I had this weekend was the knowledge that I'm blessed with so much in my life.

I have an incredible base of friends. I know that they're there for me regardless of anything, and they're incredibly good people. We always have great times together, and I know that they always have my back. They're such an amazing influence in my life, and they've all impacted me in one way or another. Some have credited me with saving them from various mistakes. Others have saved me from making mistakes. In general, they've kept me out of a ton of trouble, and I couldn't ask for better people to be surrounded by.

I have an amazingly supportive family. They've always had my back with whatever endeavor I decide to engage myself with. They genuinely want me to succeed, and have every intention of helping me to do so. I couldn't thank them enough.

All of the adults in my life are incredibly supportive. I've gotten the chance to know many amazing people in my life, and many of these adults have claimed to be as impacted by me as I am of them. I truly love engaging in conversation with people that have different backgrounds than I, and I've never been turned down for an opportunity to do so because I was "too young." Additionally, there has been an incredible amount of support from adults that I trust, and they've helped me sort through my thoughts when I couldn't do so myself. I owe so much to them.

Last but not least, I have an incredible boyfriend. He always has the capacity to turn my day around, and he's taught me so much about the world and about myself. I hope he knows that.

On the flip side of all of that, I've had to deal with a lot of pain in my life recently. However, I know, as should you, that no one is ever truly alone. There are places to seek help, people to talk to, and resources to use. There's always some sort of hope, some outlet, something to do.

There must be some sort of balance between the two. I mean, I just emerged from a sanctuary of peace and support and came crashing down into a spiral of pain. Not my own pain, but that of those I love, which in essence is my pain too. I'm still trying and fighting to find out where the two worlds meet. But for now, I'll do what I have control over, and count some of my blessings.

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