Monday, November 14, 2011


So this is what happened to me today. Regarding my sex life.

I was at rehearsal for the show I'm currently in, and one of the cast members happens to be my best friend. Another one of the cast members is the biggest tool you will probably ever meet in your life. An attractive tool, I'll give him that, but a tool nonetheless. So the two of them were engaged in conversation, when I was not around, and somehow, the subject of my gay ex-boyfriend came up. By the way, this was in eighth grade, and everyone thinks this particular gay guy is awesome, and they're jealous of me for dating him.

So the tool asks my friend if I lost my virginity to him, to which she responded with a resounding "no."
He asks if I've lost it at all, and she refuses to answer. He asks again, and she admits, to him, that I'm a virgin.

Strange yet? Not even.

He then says to her "really? She acts like she has."

How does one act like they've lost their virginity? By the way, this guy isn't the first that's been surprised that I'm still holding onto my V-card, if you will. But what about me makes guys think that I've had sex? I don't  know.

Later into rehearsal, my friend decides to try and unhook my bra with her teeth. Don't even ask. On second thought, I'm starting to see why rumors of my promiscuity have been greatly exaggerated, to quote "Easy A."

Later on in rehearsal, she made a comment, sarcastically, that "SOMEONE has to take it!" again, referring to my virgin status.

What the hell?

She didn't understand that I took offense to that. As I believe I rightfully should have! This isn't the first time I've been made fun of, by her, for being a virgin. Oh, and which one of us was it that had a pregnancy scare? Right. Sure as hell wasn't me, was it? And who lost it to their boyfriend after saying that she'd marry him, only to break up two months later? Oops, fresh wound. Too far. Whatever, she isn't reading this.

Anyways, it's my business, more than anything. I shouldn't have to notify the world when I'm no longer a virgin. And what's more, the world shouldn't care. The fact that I'm a virgin isn't weird, it doesn't make me any less of a fun person. It just means that I have enough respect for myself and for those in my life that I know that it hasn't been the right choice for me yet. It's saved me from a lot of trouble, and honestly, it's my choice. My decision. Call me crazy, but I thought that what you do (or don't do) in bed with other people should stay between those two people. Lastly, it isn't something that I should have to validate.

Which is exactly what I just did.

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