Sunday, March 4, 2012


Chaos can be fun, exciting even. But I was in no way, shape or form prepared for the chaos that this weekend entailed, both bad and good. Background information: I was in a play this weekend, that performed Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday afternoon and night.

Here we go.

So first of all, my ex boyfriend asked me on Thursday, late,  if I wanted to hang out and make out. I was kind-of, well, confused for a while because he had told me previously that he didn't want me if there wasn't an emotional attachment, but whatever. I said no, because I honestly was busy, and we went on our merry way. Nothing too bad yet.

Then, this guy a year younger than me (that had confessed to liking me earlier in the week) kept trying to find excuses to talk to me alone, etc. Let's call him "Guy A." I didn't really have the time or the energy to do that, so it was quite problematic. Eventually, he managed to get me alone and kiss me, and then proceeded to delve into the emotional complications of our "love" to me over text. I don't like him like that, but evidently he "knows I kissed him back" or something like that. He kept trying to put words into my mouth regarding how I was feeling, and I just ended up stopping trying to correct him. Nothing will happen.

Also, a guy my age wanted to ask me to Prom, found out that I was already planning on going with a really good friend of mine, and decided to try to talk to me and ask me anyways. Let's call him "Guy B." The result was a very awkward conversation on his part about how he liked me, me politely declining, then him making several jokes at that expense that were evidently some sort of therapy for him, but made me extremely uncomfortable. Also, he's just incredibly annoying. So that one isn't happening either.

In my show, Guy B is my friend's love interest, and I have a love interest of my own, let's call him Guy C. Well, for the last three months, my friend and Guy C have had a thing, which for him has been simply trying to figure out if he wants something more, but for her it's been rather a prelude to the relationship. The result of this has been that he is becoming upset because she's so emotionally attached, and she's upset because he's not being conclusive. On Saturday, they both decided that it's best if they part ways. So that night, after strike (which is when we tear down the set), they began talking at midnight. Keep in mind that I have a close relationship with the both of them, and have been giving them separate advice. Well, at 12:35, after talks that I'm sure covered everything about the relationship/friendship between them, as well as her eating disorder (we think), I drove him home. He was so confused, and she left in tears.

Following so far?

Today, Guy B texted me and told me that he was jealous of my friendship with Guy C because he didn't understand how the two of us have gotten so close over such a small space of time. Well, he's just overreacting and desperate. Pardon my bluntness.

Let's take a trip back through this show, focusing on the friendship between myself and Guy C. We knew each other when we did the callback together, but not that well. He and I, however, had amazing chemistry, so they cast us. From then on out the entire experience was just us goofing off, culminating in the last two weeks of us shamelessly friend-flirting. Throughout the entire process, we've been getting to be extremely close friends. I've talked him through a bunch of things, and he appreciates the fact that I think like a guy. He also appreciates that I don't take bullshit from him, and he doesn't take it from me either. A few nights ago, he decided to weigh the pros and cons of a hypothetical relationship between the two of us, which confessed a lot about his feelings. However, neither of us are exactly in a position to date right now, so we took it for what it was worth and got on with our lives. I don't think either of us really intended to entertain the idea. However, in a darkened corner on Saturday afternoon, his lips found mine. No idea what that means. But I value him immensely as a person, so I'm taking it for what it was and leaving it at that.

I reconciled things with my other ex boyfriend, and we even did a throwback to some of the insane things that we did when we dated. We've both moved on. It's wonderful, and the one thing that I have closure on. Fantastic.

Life has thrown me some curveballs. However, what's life without a little chaos?

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