Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thinking Like Eve

The forbidden fruit is oh-so-sweet...

Think about it. Speeding feels good. Disobeying the rules gives you a rush. The satisfaction that you get when you do something daring? It's priceless!

I feel that this concept, however, applies most aptly to flirting and sexual tension. The thought of making out with a guy you know? Tempting. The thought of making out with your friend's hot love interest? More tempting

The thought of getting with your incredibly suave and attractive theatrical co-star love interest who is currently the real-life love interest of your theatrical (and real life) close friend, who is the theatrical love interest of a guy that likes you in real life? Tell me that isn't a disaster waiting to happen!

Forbidden fruit, because I would never hurt my close friend. But what did she say to me today? "Please kiss him so that we can talk about what a good kisser he is!!"

Now, I'm respectful and am not one to mindlessly start kissing people, but come ON!

I'm only human.

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