Friday, March 30, 2012


I went to Mexico for Spring Break and I fell in love.

Let me back up, because I fell in love in a lot more ways than one. I fell in love with the Spanish language, and even picked some up (which is a feat in and of itself for me). It was just enough cultural immersion to educate but not enough so that I felt lost. We were at a resort, after all. I also fell in love with the all-inclusiveness. They had open buffet, bar, room service, and restaurants at all times, and although I was designated the sober one for the week, my friends collectively would have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on alcohol. It was nice not to have to worry about paying for anything, and nice to be able to eat whatever, however much, and whenever we wanted. I fell in love with the beach, I must say. It was a beautiful thing and oh-so relaxing.

But more so than any of that, I fell in love and I fell in love with my mentality in Mexico.

A lot happened in Mexico to the group of five of us. Two girls lost their virginity, we all shamelessly danced on a bar, the majority of them got too drunk most nights, we lost some, won some, one girl cheated, we got into fights, we made up, and all was well. Unfortunately, the lack of rules in Mexico did not exactly carry back over into the states.

When I was in Mexico, I met someone that matched me. Intellectually, I was challenged in every conversation. My facade was effectively seen through, and I was forced to do some long-overdue self evaluation. I was completely torn down to basics, and forced to rebuild myself honestly in someone else's eyes. It was refreshing, terrifying, and incredibly difficult. Believe me when I say that I reciprocated. Every conversation was a point of self-discovery for the both of us, and life was good.

There's just one problem. There's a girlfriend involved. It was never my intention to cause anyone to toe any relationship boundaries, but it happened. So now I'm stuck, because the Mexican rules do not apply in America.

With beauty comes pain, and it's all a matter of balance. While in paradise, I got some news in a very bad form. I received four rejection letters, two deferrals, and a delayed acceptance. The truth is hard to swallow, but it's made a bit easier with the presence of sand and sun. And, of course, great friends.

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