Wednesday, October 24, 2012

At Least My Issues Benefit Me

Well, I've known this for a while. I have a horrible time remaining emotionally attached to people. It's something that I've absolutely struggled with, and me simply losing romantic interest has led to the demise of my past six+ relationships. And not just with boyfriends either- I don't really have that difficult of a time separating my emotions from logic when it comes to people in general.

I've always thought that the whole boyfriend-losing-interest issue was a terrible thing, until about now. I realized that this lack of emotional attachment is exactly why I can do college hookups. Because I'm not the one to get emotionally attached, or crush on someone to the extent that I can't get over it immediately. It just doesn't happen. And most girls are like "well, I can do friends-with-benefits" but really, bitch, you can't. You get attached and then the guy who's just hooking up with you because you're hot is somehow framed as this terrible individual who used you when actually, you were the one that broke the agreement. The rule is no feelings. If you can't handle that, don't put yourself in the position where you would theoretically have to deal with the consequenses.

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