Wednesday, October 3, 2012

...And Everything Changed

Perspective can be a little thing. It can be something that gradually dawns on a person, making them believe slowly but surely, things are different. This isn't how it happened for me. Today was like an in-your-face perspective situation. I realized a lot of things.

1. I'm going to fail out of school unless I get my shit together. Seriously, I failed my first midterm for a major prerequisite course. That's not exactly how I imagined things going, but what can you do? I certainly don't know. Get my shit together, that's what! But that was seriously a rude awakening. I guess I just need to learn how to study for this, which is easier said than done.

2. Relationships were given way too much weight where I'm from. Here, people hook up a couple times, and if they want to pursue it, fine. If not, that's fine too. There's no dating. And that's not just true at the college level- that's true at every level. There just isn't an emphasis on labels. Which is different, but makes a whole lot of sense. So what, if I want to act like a little bit of a whore right now, that's okay right? I'm not, by the way. I'm just fostering that option, should I choose to pursue it.

3. Everyone in California is really fucking short. Which works for them, because they can all be short together. However, here's me: "oh hey guys, how's the weather down there?" because it seriously is an issue. The vast majority of people here aren't taller than me. And that makes things a little weird, because I knew I was tall but I didn't know how tall I was. Oh well.

4. The only reason I'd go back to the Midwest is to raise kids or for a job. Grad school is happening, and that's amazing to think about (this is all, of course, considering that number 1 happens correctly). But I'm going East with grad school, because why the hell not? I don't want to stay in one area, and I'm not being tied down. I like having friends in all areas. All parts of the country.

5. I miss my sister a ton. She's coming to visit me tomorrow and that's super exciting to me because I didn't realize how much I missed her until she wasn't here anymore! But she's coming to see me!!!! That's incredible news. Anyways.

6. People that want you in their lives will make the effort to maintain connection with you. They will, and those in my life have. And that's reciprocal, obviously, but it's so true. And some people were meant to be in your life for a long time, and some were merely meant to stay a short time. That's natural, that's life. And that's okay.

Well, that's enough knowledge for now. I'm sleepy but need to shower. And you didn't need to know that.

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