Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This Is What Happens...

...when I start watching TV series on YouTube.

My latest obsession? Greek. Which is a show about frats and sororities, which is complete trash television. Needless to say, I'm hooked. And, as with most other things, I can't help relating my life to the show. Bear with me.

If you've ever seen the show, you know that one of the main characters, Casey, is in a loving and (mostly) committed relationship with Evan. Her first love, Cappie, is constantly trying to sway her from him, although Evan has money, a reputation, a plan for the future, and status. Cappie is just there to have a good time, but he's really into Casey.

Now, in my life, I don't know how to draw this parallel. I'm in this relationship that will end by the summer's end, and we both know that. So, I suppose, he's my Evan. Also in my life, I have a Cappie. I've written about him before, and the temptation still stands.

Besides all of that, the whole party aspect is starting to intrigue me. Not to the point of making me get smashed every weekend, but maybe urging me to experiment with some liquor before I go to college. Aside from the occasional sip at dinner, I haven't ever drank anything. Now, I'm in a binding but non-legal and unspoken contract not to, due to some volunteer work that I completed in May. The sobriety is supposed to last us through August, but I'm not so sure.

Maybe it wouldn't kill me to drink. But, that might just be the summer mindset at the moment. It's causing me to consider some pretty risky decisions. Some things that I wouldn't consider myself ordinarily doing. But then again, error is useful, helpful, and natural in life. Does the fact that it'd be calculated error change those benifits?

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