Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sans One Person

That's pretty much the summation of my entire week, right there. It was perfect, sans one person. That doesn't mean that there was someone present in my life that I wish wasn't there, but rather someone absent that I wish had been a part of the last week of my life.

I had the privilege to travel to Joplin, Missouri to help them recover from the tornado that happened thirteen months ago. The physical labor was exhausting, hot, I have a horrible farmers tan, but this week is always the week of my summer that seems the most memorable and certainly the most rewarding. Helping others has been a large part of my life for a long time, and growing closer to my church family is always a benefit. I don't often talk about my religion, but when I do, I do so with passion.

Then, shortly after I came back, I had two evenings filled with theater people whom I miss and love. It was such a relief to see them all again, and they made me laugh without end. I always adore their ability to make me smile and forget about the less-desirable aspects of my life.

The one person I missed is the one person most likely reading this post. His nocturnal schedule and insight are compatible with mine, and I always benefit from us spending time together. And to you, C, I hope you make the mistake you're hesitant of making. Live a little. It may be a mistake, but frequent errors prevent people from expecting perfection of you. Trust me, I know. Besides, is it a mistake if it never leaves the circle of people closest to you? Don't confuse mistakes with learning. You have to cross the line just to remember where it lays.

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