Friday, November 2, 2012

Doctor Update

Remember MD? Well, here's the thing.

I really had a thing for him, and it's only gotten more profound. Because when I get drunk, I like to talk to my Big about it. By the way, up until now, I didn't know that K was my Big. I found that out last weekend. This is important.

Long story short, K threw me a party for when it was officially announced that I was her Little. Naturally, it was at her boyfriend's frat and he told everyone about it. She got a handle and some cranberry juice and some beer for all of us, which was good. It turned less-good when I lost a game of Snappa, completely drunk at this point, and found myself upstairs, alone, with the remainder of the handle and MD, or Doctor.

I say less-good because there was so much alcohol in our systems it wasn't funny. But objectively, alcohol aside, this was the best fucking thing ever, because I totally wanted to make out with his face. But even in my raspberry Smirnoff daze, I knew that I had to be sly. So we set out to finish the handle, which actually turned mostly into him finishing the handle, because I was drunk as fuck. We got to talking about our lives, really intently. I told him things that only my closest friends back home know about me, and he was the first one in California that I told. It was amazing and a total bonding experience.

Earlier in the night, K had said that when her and P (her boyfriend) decided that they were both taking Littles (this was before they knew who we were), they determined that they would either be best friends or in love. This is relevant for later.

Back to Doctor and I in the room. We kept talking, and his pledge brother was being a dick, but hey, what can you do. He was jealous I was paying attention to Doctor and not to him. Boys will be boys. But eventually, I found myself nose-to-nose with Doctor, and I found myself saying "I'm not sure whether we should be best friends or making out right now."

Now I know you're all thinking it- "Wow, what a line! Props to you for that one!" And I agree. But he was drunk, I was drunk, and at that point I was just vocalizing everything that came into my head. Including that gem of a thought. Don't worry, it was well-received. He interpreted it as a cue to, indeed, start making out with me. My happiness at the fact that it was happening completely overshadowed the fact that I knew I was sloppy as fuck and my general dislike of drunk makeouts, because they're just a lot less fun than sober ones. However, that wasn't really what I was thinking of when I was kissing Doctor.

The evening ended with my Big, K, realizing that her boyfriend P had allowed us out of her sight, coming to the realization that we were definitely hooking up somewhere. She assumed P's room, and she was correct. Perceptive bitch. She also said that she was listening to both the conversation and the makeout. I love her to pieces, even though she might be a little snoop. Anyways, now I'm really not sure what the protocol is for this. The last time I've hung out with a guy sober was doing homework with my floormate. Hardly even close to a date-like situation, although it's more common here than you might think. Oh well. I'll find a way to figure things out and decide what I want to do.

For now, though, I'm secure in the knowledge of two things. 1) I will always be entitled to state that on the night of my Big/Little reveal, I hooked up with my Big's boyfriend's Little. 2) I will also always be entitled to state that I hooked up with a child actor.


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