Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The problem with the world is that we take ourselves too seriously.

Not that there aren't serious issues that we're dealing with, because we are. There's a lot of shit that we go through every day that tends to wear us down and make us feel exhausted. Mental exhaustion is one of the worst things that can happen, and unfortunately it happens too often to me.

However, laughter is the remedy.

Today, I got together with people that I haven't seen in ages. They made me laugh harder than I did in all of 2011, combined. I laughed to the point where my throat started hurting, which by the way is about half an hour past complete abdominal exhaustion. And the day was the best that I could have ever asked for.

Not that my boyfriend didn't help this as well, because he did. But laughing at random Scottish accent impersonations or reminiscing about hysterical endeavors of the past, with a group of hilarious people, made me feel amazing. There's something incredible about laughing and being with people that can make you laugh: you instantly forget everything else that's going on in your life, in your world, and you live in the moment. Additionally, people who don't take themselves seriously, thus causing laughter, are a reminder to all of us that life is supposed to be fun. We can savor the happy moments. There's nothing wrong with that. Laughter also causes people to bond together under one of the least stressful conditions that exists. There's nothing more special than being in a room with a group of people who, individually, have the capacity to reduce you to tears of laughter. Trust me.

It's possible to succeed without constantly holding your nose to the grinding stone, I promise. Some very good friends of mine reminded me of that today.

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