Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What up?

Hi again! It's been literally five months since I've last posted, but it's been a hell of a five months. Let me lay it out for you, in the briefest terms I possibly can.

The rest of March was really kind-of boring. I started seeing a therapist at the urging of one of my friends at school, and it helped a little bit. Academia was still stressing me out completely and I didn't know what else to do. I can't remember if I told my parents, I don't think I did. My spring break was the final week in March, and it was pretty uneventful. Then, I visited some friends for Easter, was shamelessly hit on by one of their friends, cooked dinner for them, caught up with my friend, and then went back to school. The following week was absolute hell.

The first week in April was a really rough one. I was not ready to combat the school demands, and I was barely staying sane. Unfortunately, my birthday was the following Monday, and I was wearing myself thin just by doing life. The thought of all the added attention on me was totally stressful, and I almost broke down crying in the shower the night before. Then, I tried to hide and was totally ambushed by my floor. It was actually really sweet. The rest of April was a cluster fuck of academics.

May meant dead weeks and finals. This was nothing too much to write about.

June I spent at home in my bed, sleeping my summer away.

July I spent working 45 hour weeks and being boring

And here we are!

This post won't serve much use other than to update you generally what I've been up to, and to tell you I haven't forgotten you! It's just been kinda stressful.



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