Anyways, everyone commented on them. My parents' friends would do it, my friends wild do it, and most commonly, boys would do it. Many times it was my friends that did, but many times it was a stranger- and it was the second thing out of his mouth after his name.
"Hi, I'm him"
"nice to meet you"
"can I just say that you have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen?"
All. The. Time. It's become something I take as a given, and if someone does compliment my eyes it's unappreciated
Recently, I met someone who drunkenly one night, told me that he loved my eye contact. Not my eyes, my eye contact. This was the first eye-related compliment that I had ever gotten that made me stop and appreciate it. He told me that when he was talking to me, he really felt like I was invested and interested in what he was saying. That my eye contact was amazing, and not commonplace. That single compliment made me feel heard, and not just seen. It was unique and very, very meaningful.
Recently, I met someone who drunkenly one night, told me that he loved my eye contact. Not my eyes, my eye contact. This was the first eye-related compliment that I had ever gotten that made me stop and appreciate it. He told me that when he was talking to me, he really felt like I was invested and interested in what he was saying. That my eye contact was amazing, and not commonplace. That single compliment made me feel heard, and not just seen. It was unique and very, very meaningful.