Monday, December 17, 2012

Sex Pt. 2

I was watching the Breakfast Club last night and it got me thinking. Why do so many people use sex as a weapon?

Sex is probably the most personal thing that two people can do together, and society treats it as a huge power trip. First of all, everyone is judged as to whether or not they have ever had sex. Many men are looked down on for being virgins, while women are celebrated for being virgins. However, the judgement doesn't end here. Then, it becomes all about the circumstances surrounding the sex: I overheard one of my friends say, in a very condescending tone, "yeah but I've only had sex when I loved someone. It's different." Literally what the fuck? You have zero right to judge anyone else based on how she prefers to have sex. Then, people are judged on the number of people that they've had sex with. Then, they're judged on how good they are in bed. This is just the beginning of the list, by the way.

Seriously? What the actual fuck is going on here? Using this post to judge is highly hypocritical, but I think that people shouldn't judge other people on the amount of sex they are having in their lives, and in what capacity. End of story.

I have friends in every position. Some have drunkenly lost their virginity to strangers. Some want to wait until they're married. One of my best friends had her virginity taken when she was blacked out, aka rape. One girl I talked to about the matter said that she lost her virginity to her best friend, and it was one of the best decisions she ever made.

Personally, as the author of this, I don't think it matters that I tell you about myself, but I will anyways, for those of you that care. I'm a sexual person, but I'm a virgin. Some of my best friends have doubted the fact, and I've had to seriously convince one person in particular that I haven't ever slept with anyone. I think that sexuality is an aspect of a relationship that is important, and also completely up to the two people in that relationship. Everybody's sex isn't anybody's business but theirs, and the person they're having sex with. If that other person is their right hand, then all power to them.

I just don't understand what the big fuss is about sex. Everybody's entitled to their own choices, and everybody has the right to be unjudged by those around them. Thanks for listening to my two cents.

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