Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I participated in the last choir concert of the year recently; the concert where the seniors would be performing for the very last time. The scattering and dispersion of the seniors and the impact on the choral program because of them was all too much to handle. By the end of it, there was not a dry eye on the stage, seniors and others alike. After the concert, a very very close friend of mine came up to me and told me that, because we were friends, he knew how to unicycle a little bit and that he was going to miss me. This shocked me and made me completely break down. This particular friend and I were close in middle school, but he connected closer with other people in high school and he gradually slipped further away. However, with that one comment (I taught him how to unicycle three years ago), he made me realize that you never really know the effect you have on people. I would've completely skimmed over that detail, but because he took the time to remember the littlest fun memories we shared together, he made me believe I truly had an impact on his life. It was the most powerful thing that I've heard in a while, and I'll treasure his friendship to the end. He is the strongest person I've ever met, and he's truly life-changing.

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