Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To My Ex-Boyfriend:

Thank you. Thank you for fucking up my life, and then making a huge dramatic affair about it. I had to break up with you three times because you couldn't get it into your head, so that's awesome. Then you went and told all my friends a twisted story that you concocted that made me look like this horrible person and turned them all against me. I found out tonight that you thought I cheated on you? And you didn't tell me? Fuck you. You should know me better than to think I would ever do anything like that to you, and you should believe me when I say nothing happened on my retreat. You can't handle the thought of me going away for a week? You thought something happened to make me lose interest in you? Do you really think I would lie about anything happening? Thank you, for judging my character correctly, giving me the benefit of the doubt, trusting me, believing me, and knowing me well. Oh wait, you did none of that. Fuck you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Cali was BEAUTIFUL! We spent a few days in King's Canyon and Sequoia national parks, then spent two days in Yosemite and a day in San Francisco. Whilst in Yosemite, we took a rock climbing class on crack climbing and equipment. We were able to learn how to jam ourselves into little crevices and create hand and footholds for ourselves using cracks. We also learned how to smear, which is when you create footholds on solid granite walls using little to no help from the rock. It was fascinating how, in a day, we were able to accomplish so much. After the day we spent in San Francisco (take the cable car, do NOT walk far. You will never walk on such steep inclines in your life), we hit the road to head back to Fresno, where our flight was the next day. We saw advertisements for the Gaylor Garlic Fest, which is apparently really famous, so we stopped by. We had garlic ice cream, which was evidently the special there. It wasn't half bad, actually....
Overall, it was a lovely time of a week.